Communication and Security System for 19 3-Car Trains and 10 6-Car Trains


This project involved the supply, installation, and integration of advanced communication and security systems for a total of 29 trains, comprising 19 3-car units and 10 6-car units. The goal was to modernize the fleets, ensuring optimal functionality, passenger safety, and operational efficiency through the deployment of cutting-edge technologies.

Our scope included the delivery of fully integrated systems that addressed a wide range of passenger and operational requirements. These systems were designed to be robust, scalable, and compliant with modern rail industry standards, while also allowing seamless integration with third-party components.

Where Australia
When 2019
Vehicle Type Train, 73 units
Solutions CCTV, Passenger Information, Ethernet

Functional Highlights

  • Digital Voice Announcement (DVA):
    A fully automated system for delivering real-time announcements, ensuring passengers are informed about station stops, delays, and other travel-related information.
  • TFT/LCD Displays:
    High-definition screens in passenger areas provide dynamic visual updates, including route maps, service disruptions, and safety instructions.
  • Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV):
    An advanced onboard surveillance system to enhance passenger safety. This includes real-time monitoring, high-definition video recording, and integration with train control centers for incident response.
  • Public Address System:
    A centralized PA system designed to provide clear and consistent audio communication throughout all cars, regardless of ambient noise levels.
  • IP Help Points:
    Strategically installed passenger help points with IP-based communication features, allowing for immediate connection to train crew or emergency services when assistance is required.
  • Crew Intercoms:
    Dedicated intercom systems to enable efficient and secure communication between train crew members for both routine operations and emergency scenarios.
  • IP/Ethernet Backbone:
    A high-speed Ethernet network serves as the backbone for all communication and security systems, ensuring reliability and scalability for future enhancements.
  • Train Radio Integration:
    Full integration of train radio systems to enable seamless communication between onboard crew and central control, improving operational coordination and safety.
  • Integrated Telephony:
    A unified telephony system to facilitate communication between passengers, crew, and external stakeholders during emergencies or routine operations.
  • Third-Party Interfacing:
    Integration with third-party systems and devices, ensuring compatibility and extending the functionality of the new communication and security systems.